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Forum rules and guidelines

This page includes rules and guidelines for using the Mozilla Support forums. See also the Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines and our Legal Notices. We assume good faith when dealing with violations; we will only warn or ban users who repeatedly or blatantly violate the rules.

Administrators have the final say in modifying, interpreting, and enforcing these rules.

Note: If you observe someone breaking a rule or behaving in an otherwise questionable fashion, alert a moderator or an administrator by clicking "Report abuse" next to the post. Do not try to deal with them yourself.
Table of Contents
Subjects covered in the support forum
Posting support requests
Images and other media
Sensitive information
Language and conduct
Subjects covered in the support forum
Posts in the support forum must be either questions about the use of products listed on the Mozilla Support home page (Firefox, Firefox for Android, Firefox for iOS, Firefox OS, Firefox Focus, Firefox Rocket, Firefox for Fire TV, Thunderbird and Webmaker) or else answers to those questions. Users who post about subjects that are not support requests for those Mozilla products will be directed to an alternative discussion forum or to another resource, if appropriate, and the question will be tagged "offtopic". (Contributors: see Off-topic questions.)

Posting support requests
Create one thread and only one thread for each subject you need help with.

Do not re-use existing threads started by others, even if they are seemingly on the same subject. Ask a new question instead.

Users who post forum spam will have their posts removed. If a post that is otherwise appropriate includes links considered to be spam, those links will be removed.

Images and other media
You can add images, such as a "screenshot" of your computer screen. Added images or other media must help explain a Firefox problem or solution. Inappropriate media will be removed. Note: Basic instructions for creating a screenshot are given in How do I create a screenshot of my problem?.

Sensitive information
Don't post any sensitive information. Moderators will remove personal information from posts to protect your privacy.

Link to content rather than posting it in its entirety, unless you are the copyright holder or have permission from the copyright holder.

Do not post direct links to executable files. Moderators may remove these links to protect users from potentially malicious downloads. (You can post a link to the webpage that contains the file download but it may also be removed if a Moderator finds that the web page content could be harmful or if the web page link is spam.)

Language and conduct
Do not use obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or excessively violent language.

Do not harass, insult, taunt, provoke, demean, or personally attack other forum members. Be friendly even if others are not.

Do not excessively "bump" a thread (post simply to get a thread to the top of the list).

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